View Full Version : nokia 6230 keyped problem

02-11-2005, 12:34 PM
i have a nokia 6230 with a problem.when i push the volume button down it shows 7 on the screen. when i push up on the volume button nothing happens.when i push the left arrow on the central menu key the nomber 1 appears on the screen and when i push the right arrow on the same key the * sign appears on the screen.
i will be extremly glad if anyone has any ideas or suggestions in this manner.

02-11-2005, 08:24 PM
open the phone up and check that the Keypad Connectors look OK... nice and straight, this is a common fault with 6230s, they become somehow bent or mis shapen... if this is not the problem then post again and the skilled guys and gals here will offer more suggestions!!

Hope This Helps


03-11-2005, 12:19 AM
could anyone help me out... My nokia 3650 direction keys are not working! after playing pokemon silver on my 3650 suddenly it crashes and shows App. Main closed warning... i tried to format my phone but still it shows the "App. Main closed" warning and my direction pad is not functioning... what should i do...?

how much does it cost to replace the keypad module here in the philippines...

i think that is the one broken... i tried to clean the keypad pcb and still not working... the other keys are ok but the direction jeys is not...

please anyone help me out... pls e-mail me....

[email protected]

03-11-2005, 09:17 AM
get your phone flashed mate at a shop... it sounds like a proper software fault to me, something that only a full flash would fix... let us know how you get on!!