View Full Version : Nokia Object Oriented Model

06-02-2006, 03:23 PM
Hi, since I've reversed the classes/objects system of DCT4 phones I would like to share the knowledge.

Nokia Object Oriented Model

Such object oriented model can be found in most if not all DCT4 phones and also in 7110/6210 (DCT3).

Reversed by [Yak]

typedef struct
Class *Class;
// Object's private data follow
} Object;

typedef struct
unsigned short ID;
unsigned (*Handler)(Object *This, unsigned short MethodID, unsigned Arg0, unsigned Arg1, unsigned Arg2);
} Method;

typedef struct
Class *Class;
Class *SuperClass;
Method *Methods; // table of methods, last one has ID == M_C_END
unsigned short MethodsCount;
unsigned short ObjectSize;
char *Name;
} Class;

/* calling methods on objects */
unsigned DoMethod(Object *O, unsigned short MethodID);
unsigned DoMethod1(Object *O, unsigned short MethodID, unsigned Arg0);
unsigned DoMethod2(Object *O, unsigned short MethodID, unsigned Arg0, unsigned Arg1);
unsigned DoMethod3(Object *O, unsigned short MethodID, unsigned Arg0, unsigned Arg1, unsigned Arg2);

/* calling methods of superclass; used in class methods handlers */
unsigned DoClassSuperMethod(Class *C, Obejct *O, unsigned short MethodID, unsigned Arg0, unsigned Arg1, unsigned Arg2);

#define M_IS_OF_CLASS (0xC000)
#define M_GET_METHOD_HANDLER (0xC001)
#define M_GET_CLASS (0xC002)
#define M_NEW (0xC003)
#define M_CONSTRUCTOR (0xC004)
#define M_DELETE (0xC005)
#define M_DESTRUCTOR (0xC006)

#define M_C_END (0x0000)
#define M_C_ANY (0xffff)


ret = DoMethod1(object, M_IS_OF_CLASS, class);

Checks if <object> is derived from specified <class>. Returns 1 if yes or 0 if no.


handler = DoMethod1(object, M_GET_METHOD_HANDLER, method_id);

Returns the method handling function pointer for specified <method_id>. Returns
NULL if <object> doesn't support <method_id> method.


class = DoMethod(object, M_GET_CLASS);

Returns a pointer to <object>'s class.


object = DoMethod(former, M_NEW);
object = DoMethod1(former, M_NEW, space);
object = DoMethod2(former, M_NEW, space, arg1);
object = DoMethod3(former, M_NEW, space, arg1, arg2);

Creates a new object and returns a pointer to it. The <former> can be either an
already existing object of some class or directly a class pointer. If <space>
is specified and not NULL, no memory is allocated, instead, the object is
created at the address specified by <space> (be sure to have enough space there).
After creating, M_CONSTRUCTOR method is called. All the arguments are passed to it.


DoMethod(object, M_CONSTRUCTOR);
DoMethod1(object, M_CONSTRUCTOR, arg0);
DoMethod2(object, M_CONSTRUCTOR, arg0, arg1);
DoMethod3(object, M_CONSTRUCTOR, arg0, arg1, arg2);

Initializes an object. If called from M_NEW received its <space> argument as


DoMethod(object, M_DELETE);

Deletes an object. However, before it is done, M_DESTRUCTOR is called to
deinitialize the object (free its all resources).


DoMethod(object, M_DESTRUCTOR);

Deinitializes an object.


Special ID used to mark the end of methods table in a class.


Special ID used to mark a method in methods table of a class. Such a method will
be called for any method called on the object.



DoMethod() .............: 8310 v6.20 at 0x12cec02
DoMethod1() ............: 8310 v6.20 at 0x12cebdc
DoMethod2() ............: 8310 v6.20 at 0x12cebb4
DoMethod3() ............: 8310 v6.20 at 0x12ceb8c

DoClassSuperMethod() ...: 8310 v6.20 at 0x12cec24

Object (abstract) ......: root class, all other are subclasses of this one.
8310 v6.20 at 0x14e215c

Pointers are for 8310 but I've also found all this in 3100 and 5140i.

In the attachment you will find a tree of classes in 8310 v6.20. The ZIP'ed one contains a complete tree with all the methods and class references found in the code.

Happy reversing.

08-02-2006, 03:42 PM
Very nice info. It will surely help reversing a lot.

It would be interesting to see if the method IDs are consistend between phone models, so that knowledge from a phone could be applied to others.

20-02-2006, 04:15 AM
nice information.

on 3100 unfortunately the class names are removed, but if the MessageIDs are the same, we can convert it :-)

02-03-2006, 05:45 AM
Woah verry impressive!
Looks like I am going to have to learn C++ now lol.

Thanks for sharing this with us all =D.

03-03-2006, 04:47 PM
Looks like you came close to java :)

I want to share what i know.

There's an interface table of java classes it looks like:
RAM0:000E369C javax_microedition_midlet_MIDletStateChangeException DCD java_lang_Class ; BaseInterface.field_0
RAM0:000E369C ; DATA XREF: ROM:014F08D8o
RAM0:000E369C ; ROM:014F08F8o ...
RAM0:000E369C DCD 0 ; BaseInterface.field_4
RAM0:000E369C DCD javax_microedition_midlet; BaseInterface.pClassCollectionName
RAM0:000E369C DCD cMIDletStateChangeException; BaseInterface.pClassName
RAM0:000E369C DCD off_E3AEC ; BaseInterface.field_10
RAM0:000E369C DCW 0x6021 ; BaseInterface.flags
RAM0:000E369C DCW 0x18D ; BaseInterface.field_16
RAM0:000E369C DCD java_lang_Exception ; BaseInterface.pBaseClass
RAM0:000E369C DCD MIDletStateChangeException_Impl; BaseInterface.pClassImplementation
RAM0:000E369C DCD 0 ; BaseInterface.pFieldDescriptorTable
RAM0:000E369C DCD MIDletStateChangeException_MT; BaseInterface.pMethodDesctiptorTable
RAM0:000E369C DCD 0 ; field_28
RAM0:000E369C DCD 0 ; field_2C
RAM0:000E369C DCW 2 ; field_30
RAM0:000E369C DCW 5 ; field_32
RAM0:000E369C DCD 0 ; field_34

RAM0:000E36D4 com_nokia_mid_impl_isa_io_protocol_external_MessageEventConsumer DCD java_lang_Class ; BaseInterface.field_0
RAM0:000E36D4 ; DATA XREF: ROM:com_nokia_mid_impl_isa_io_protocol_external_MessageEventConsumer___init_o
RAM0:000E36D4 ; ROM:com_nokia_mid_impl_isa_io_protocol_external_MessageEventConsumer__instanceo ...
RAM0:000E36D4 DCD 0 ; BaseInterface.field_4
RAM0:000E36D4 DCD com_nokia_mid_impl_isa_io_protocol_external; BaseInterface.pClassCollectionName
RAM0:000E36D4 DCD MessageEventConsumer; BaseInterface.pClassName
RAM0:000E36D4 DCD com_sun_cldc_i18n_uclc_DefaultCaseConverter; BaseInterface.field_10
RAM0:000E36D4 DCW 0x2031 ; BaseInterface.flags
RAM0:000E36D4 DCW 0x170 ; BaseInterface.field_16
RAM0:000E36D4 DCD java_lang_Object ; BaseInterface.pBaseClass
RAM0:000E36D4 DCD MessageEventConsumer_Impl; BaseInterface.pClassImplementation
RAM0:000E36D4 DCD MessageEventConsumer_FT; BaseInterface.pFieldDescriptorTable
RAM0:000E36D4 DCD MessageEventConsumer_MT; BaseInterface.pMethodDesctiptorTable
RAM0:000E36D4 DCD unk_150267E ; field_28
RAM0:000E36D4 DCD 0 ; field_2C
RAM0:000E36D4 DCW 0 ; field_30
RAM0:000E36D4 DCW 4 ; field_32
RAM0:000E36D4 DCD 0 ; field_34

and so on. This table can be found in rom, but it reallity, it is somehow copied to RAM.

I've almost finished reconstruction of Interface descriptor:
00000000 BaseInterfaceDescriptor struc ; (sizeof=0x28)
00000000 pClass DCD ? ; offset
00000004 field_4 DCD ?
00000008 pClassCollectionName DCD ? ; offset
0000000C pClassName DCD ? ; offset
00000010 pClass2 DCD ? ; offset
00000014 flags DCW ?
00000016 field_16 DCW ?
00000018 pBaseClass DCD ? ; offset
0000001C pClassImplementation DCD ? ; offset
00000020 pFieldDescriptorTable DCD ? ; offset
00000024 pMethodDesctiptorTable DCD ? ; offset
00000028 BaseInterfaceDescriptor ends
00000000 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00000000 InterfaceDescriptor struc ; (sizeof=0x38)
00000000 BaseInterface BaseInterfaceDescriptor ?
00000028 field_28 DCD ? ; offset
0000002C field_2C DCD ?
00000030 field_30 DCW ?
00000032 field_32 DCW ?
00000034 field_34 DCD ?
00000038 InterfaceDescriptor ends

pClassCollectionName and pClassName point to MethodNameDescriptor structure:
00000000 MethodNameDescriptor struc ; (sizeof=0x8)
00000000 pNextDescriptor DCD ? ; offset
00000004 NameLength DCW ?
00000006 MethodID DCW ?
00000008 MethodNameDescriptor ends

so, for RAM0:000E369C DCD javax_microedition_midlet; it points to:
ROM:014BFA78 javax_microedition_midlet DCD off_14BE560 ; pNextDescriptor
ROM:014BFA78 ; DATA XREF: RAM0:javax_microedition_midlet_MIDletStateChangeExceptiono
ROM:014BFA78 ; RAM0:stru_E3D8Co ...
ROM:014BFA78 DCW 0x19 ; NameLength
ROM:014BFA78 DCW 0x639 ; MethodID
ROM:014BFA80 aJavaxMicroeditionMidlet DCB "javax/microedition/midlet",0

and for RAM0:000E369C DCD cMIDletStateChangeException:
ROM:014BB3FC cMIDletStateChangeException DCD unk_14B9EB8 ; pNextDescriptor
ROM:014BB3FC ; DATA XREF: RAM0:javax_microedition_midlet_MIDletStateChangeExceptiono
ROM:014BB3FC ; ROM:cMIDletAccesso ...
ROM:014BB3FC DCW 0x1A ; NameLength
ROM:014BB3FC DCW 0x2FD ; MethodID
ROM:014BB404 aMidletstatechangeexception DCB "MIDletStateChangeException",0

There are more interesting fields in BaseInterfaceDescriptor:
1) pClassImplementation - pointer to some kind of Class Descriptor. It's an array of offsets to the method descriptors, field descriptors and some unknown structures.
2) pFieldDescriptorTable - pointer to the array of field descriptors
3) pMethodDesctiptorTable - pointer to the array of method descriptors

both ClassImplementation, FieldDescriptorTable and MethodDesctiptorTable starts with dword that contain the number of methods/fields in the table.

00000000 FieldDescriptor struc ; (sizeof=0x10)
00000000 FieldNameID DCW ? ; enum ConstantTable
00000002 field_2 DCW ?
00000004 flags DCD ? ; enum ConstDesriptorFlags
00000008 pInterfaceDescriptor DCD ? ; offset
0000000C PValueOrValue DCD ? ; offset
00000010 FieldDescriptor ends

the field FieldNameID of FieldDescriptor is an ID that can be found at MethodNameDescriptor, so you can easily find the name for the method/field by its ID.

00000000 MethodDescriptor struc ; (sizeof=0x20)
00000000 MethodID DCW ? ; enum ConstantTable
00000002 ClassID DCW ? ; base 16
00000004 pFunction DCD ? ; offset
00000008 field_8 DCD ? ; offset
0000000C field_C DCD ? ; offset
00000010 field_10 DCW ?
00000012 field_12 DCW ?
00000014 flags DCD ? ; enum ConstDesriptorFlags
00000018 pInterfaceDescriptor DCD ? ; offset
0000001C field_1C DCW ?
0000001E ArgumentCount DCW ?
00000020 MethodDescriptor ends

MethodID is the same as FieldNameID in MethodDescriptor; pFunction - a pointer to function, depending on flags it can point to java or to native (thumb) function.

The flags are:
00000001 ; enum ConstDesriptorFlags (bitfield)
00000001 ACC_PUBLIC EQU 1
00000002 ACC_PRIVATE EQU 2
00000008 ACC_STATIC EQU 8
00000010 ACC_FINAL EQU 0x10
00000040 ACC_VOLATILE EQU 0x40
00000080 ACC_TRANSIENT EQU 0x80
00000100 ACC_NATIVE EQU 0x100
00000400 ACC_ABSTRACT EQU 0x400
00000800 ACC_STRICT EQU 0x800
00008000 ACC_WRITE EQU 0x8000

07-03-2006, 02:55 PM
It would be interesting to see if the method IDs are consistend between phone models, so that knowledge from a phone could be applied to others.

method IDs are the same on 3100 and 8310, some changed or new are added but many remain the same :)

it's also possible to find objects with the class signature