09-11-2002, 12:06 AM
I have been unlocking phones forages now and i could go to a computer fair and find the bits.
b-phreaks changed that and all was well then along came dct-4.
and the law.
i believe dct-4 to be nothing more than version. so why sit and wait for JIC or whoever to rip the solution. My missus has repaired more water damaged boards with a toothbrush and lighter fluid.
I say experiment and remember that these pcbs are more robust than you think.
COBBA,S OR IS IT COBBLERS to dct-12345678
b-phreaks changed that and all was well then along came dct-4.
and the law.
i believe dct-4 to be nothing more than version. so why sit and wait for JIC or whoever to rip the solution. My missus has repaired more water damaged boards with a toothbrush and lighter fluid.
I say experiment and remember that these pcbs are more robust than you think.
COBBA,S OR IS IT COBBLERS to dct-12345678