View Full Version : inverting the screen lcd in telephones nokia tdma

12-11-2002, 11:53 PM
inverting the screen lcd in telephones nokia tdma:
hello to all i interested in knowing if some of you had either experienced in this sense by manual methods or editing the flasher with some hexadecimal editor???
me i investigating and opposing to make it in a manual way in screens of model gsm, but it is something dangerous for the lcd, I believe q the best form it is editing the file flash.......

partial information of the manual method :


green gerbil
14-11-2002, 07:12 PM
This isnt that hard to do manually, just buy polarizing film and switch it for the old film on the lcd. Yea, you can break the lcd, but if you work carefully you shouldn't. As for software changing, good luck, since you wont be able to fix the authority id.