Pound Commands*
Enter # # 7 8 6 (##RUN)to access Phone life info. Shows Life Time, Life Data, Reconditioned Status, ESN, S, H, PRL
Enter # # 3 2 8 2 (##INFO)to access NAI info. Shows user name, and a bunch of stuff
Enter # # 2 7 6 9 7 3 7 (##BROWSER)to access Gateway information. From here you can get ip info and all that good stuff. An interesting tidbit.. the port and secure port are set to the same thing.
Enter # # 8 8 9 (##TTY) to activate TTY on your handset (May interfere with usage)
Enter # # 2 5 3 9 (##AKEY) AKEY Service mode setup. Will reboot phone.
Enter # # 7 7 3 8 (##PREV) P_Rev Modifier
Enter # # 8 6 2 6 3 3 7 (##VOCODER) Change Vocoder.
The goal is to get to this point
Test Mode*
To enter your A500 into test mode, press the keypad as follows: 4 7 * 8 6 9 # 1 2 3 5 Test Mode Commands:
001 suspend
002 reboot
004 Show mode
005 set mode (PCS, CDMA, AMPS, none) - WARNING: due to a software bug, using this option can render your phone inoperable on the PCS system.
011 Carrier : ON
012 Carrier : OFF
014 CHAN set
015 CdTk_adj set
016 CD TXagc set
018 FM TXagc set
019 LNA Gain set
020 LNA Rs set (LNA Rs[0] - LNA Rs[8])
022 TEST_S
023 DATA Svc : ON
024 DATA Svc : OFF
031 MRU TABLE: MRU set/select
032 Send NAM
033 Send S/W ver.
034 Send ESN
035 Product Info
038 Clr Memory (00-55)
039 Send P Info
040 PRD Info set/select
041 Backlight ON
042 Backling OFF
043 Lamp ON
044 Lamp OFF
045 Vibrator ON
046 Vibrator OFF
047 DTMF ON (0-9)
049 Contrast set
050 Front LCD contrast set
051 BATT TYPE/ID show
052 RD Bat Val: Num keys toggle between Talk Batt and Stdby Batt
053 Stdby Batt
054 Talk Batt
055 WR Batt
056 Chrg_lvl
057 Therm_lvl
058 String of numbers; set or select. Unknown function. Changing them can cause phone to lock up.
060 RD_Rssi set
061 PCSRxRAS show [00 - 1
062 WrPCRX show [00 - 16]
063 TXPCS[01-16] show
064 PCSFL[00-16] show
065 PCS_lmt set
066 PCS_temp show/set
090 GPS_DOPP set
091 GPMS Mode show
092 D_GPSP set
093 D_PCS set
095 GPS_ANT set
096 GPC_BCNT set
097 GPC_LCA set
098 GPS_LOSS set
099 D_GPSC set
100 D_CDMA set
121 '46 Ahead!!!!!' then TxLmt set
122 PCM loop on
123 PCM loop off
124 PCM[00-11] on/off (Handset RX/TX/SL Headset RX/TX/SL New HFK RX/TX/SL EXT AUD RX/TX/SL
125 GAIN[00-19] set
126 GAIN[00-07] set
131 Get PCS Dat1
132 Get PCS Dat2
133 Get PCS Dat3
134 Get CDMADat1
135 Get CDMADat2
136 Get CDMADat3
137 Get AMPSData
138 Get AudData1
139 Get AudData2
140 Get AudData3
amin_ya2000 @ yahoo.com