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Thread: Clone prepaid Sim Cards??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Clone prepaid Sim Cards??

    My questions my be annoying but I'm a neo when it comes to cloning sim cards and will like to be schooled by the pros! I have a bunch of questions and I hope you all can help me out.

    How can you clone a prepaid sim card?
    If you clone the sim card will it have the same phone number to recieve cards?
    Can you just make a card unlimited, by adding more blocks?
    Can you recycle a card that has be used up by rewriting the information?
    Where can I get an empty sim card?
    Will the sim cards sold on e-bay serve the purpose for coning?

    Thanks for all the answers, any extra info will also help!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    u just need related software & hardware to extract imsi and Ki key
    sure clone has same number (coz it's clone héhé
    we can't add 'blocks' this way
    as far i know 'originals' sims are not rewritable (masqued rom or somthing like that)
    for all other question just have a look at ranked 'cloning SIM' thread

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