Hi All!
I just bought a Nokia 3310 and I liked it! I like old phones thats cause of that why i am using 3310 on this year.
But i have a simple question:
How do i get this firmware - (Oh i cant give link lol)
So i have to explain:
It opens with Windows Xp animation
Its not like 3310, it has a "back" and "ok" on right and left so thats not in 3310. 3310 has ony that middle button (Sorry I'm beginner so I dont know so many things.)
And It has Unlocker Application, Its Menu is different
For example, when we open menu in 3310, we see phonebook, messages etc. "Single"
But in that, you can see all of them in one.
It has Snake II, Space Impact, Bantumi, Pairs, Stones, Breaker (Arkanoid) X O . It has also animated screen savers.
So, where can i download it please help.