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Thread: How do I remove simlock on my Sagem myX-1p

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    How do I remove simlock on my Sagem myX-1p

    I have a Sagem myX-1p phone that needs unlocking. I have tried the Sagem Unlocker v2.3 and the Sagem Service 2.5. The v2.3 finds the phone, reads the imei and phone code but then it says Hash table H62, phone code 00000000 and 'wrong response from phone". It then says chose calculation mode and press start. I don't know what I am to put in the field 253 or test modes code box. Sagem is different from other phones I have unlocked before.
    The v2.5 reads the phone at 19200 speed but reponse is version not supported - ID cannot be read - all function disabled.
    Do I need later version of the v2.5 or is there another software I can get or buy.

  2. #2
    u must use Sagem code reader Box.

    phone must be opened in order to have acces to test points to read ID and calculate simlock code
    Bau !

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