View Full Version : DCT3 range 0x000000 - 0x00020000

09-07-2003, 11:34 PM
Is there RAM or ROM here? It seems to be never mentioned at all..

ARM needs the reset and interrupt vectors in that region, so I decided to read it with a flash utility to see what happens on startup. The region *is* different from any other, and contains the string "May 10 2000....DCT3 ALGORIT".
The entry point is at 0x20. I really can't figure out what the routine does though, it subsequently writes to the same range (1000-2000 et al) .. so it could be RAM as well, mysterious.

Does anyone know more?

10-07-2003, 12:33 AM
OK, solved it, it seems to be an exact mirror of 100000-120000, the RAM area... hmm, I wonder how the boot routine initially ends up in RAM.

*doh* It is written there by the Flasher Program, I'm not looking at Nokia code but at Rollis itself. Interesting...