View Full Version : Update forums sw and working in a new forum structure now...

28-08-2003, 09:56 PM
We have upgraded forum software and moved to a new fast server.

and now we are changing to a new forum structure.

I hope you like new layout, fast server, new software vb 3.0.5 beta and new forum structure.

Please be patient.


28-08-2003, 10:59 PM
mate your PM box is full.

Can you change my username to Dinger6610 please?

love the new look forum :D

keep up the great work..

29-08-2003, 12:24 AM
have you noticed the forum pages are a bit messed up? also the previous color schemae was better this color scheme sucks

29-08-2003, 04:23 AM
Faster sever maybe but why does it take a long time to attach a files,
Smilies don't work properly,
Times are wrong,
When you reply it always uses quotes,
Admin please look into problems
Other wise the new look is cool

29-08-2003, 04:54 AM

>> Please be patient.

Can't understand this?

We all notice things that are wrong.

Stop dragging please.
