View Full Version : Full Flash Sharp GX10i

04-01-2004, 08:13 PM
you Can use this flash For Gx10 and Gx10i Tested 100%

04-01-2004, 09:16 PM
Is there a link we should have?

Thanks ;)

09-01-2004, 07:28 PM

11-01-2004, 07:43 PM
I have an Australian Voda, Sharp GX10i and I have used Vilani and many other unlocking appz with no luck. Vilani says it is unlocked but it doesn't actually really do it for my phone.

I thought perhaps the best is to flash the phone with new firmware, but I can't find the firmware file anywhere.

I'd appreciate any help.

(All I really need it the phone code as it has been forgotten :D )

badbondiboy@yahoo.com thanks so much in advance!

12-01-2004, 01:43 PM

16-01-2004, 07:20 PM
hi, i have clicked on the link above but there is no file there to download can someone send it to me or upload it here ??? thanks :D

16-01-2004, 10:02 PM
Look on spunlock's site, it is in 2 sections in the downloads


18-02-2004, 05:02 PM
if i use this flasher thingy, will it change my vodafone custamized gx10i to a normal gx10i? meanign will it replace vodafone live with sevices or wap etc...??

26-02-2004, 05:38 AM

You need to be registered to view the files on the iphone forum.

I just flashed my gx10i with the first file using unisoft, the flash went with out any problems but its still locked to vodafone? All it did was rest every thing.

has any one got a flash file that will unlock the phone and get rid of the Vodafone live nonsense.


11-03-2004, 01:45 AM
which software did u use to flash?

i cant find any working flasher for gx10i :(

12-03-2004, 01:30 AM
I too have used Unisoft trying write this GX10i flash to a GX10, to no avail!
I ahve a uni box flasher, is there a flasher which does work, also be nice if there are any GX10 backups around or full flashes!
I cant back mine up as it wont power on :sad:


13-03-2004, 10:02 PM
I have today successfully completed the flashing of GX10 with a GX10i flash.Phone working perfectly in every way.Did'nt check box to erase the user data, as its a customers phone, thus it saved all the ringtones and pictures. Yo have to use serial lead not USB or modified Panasonic lead with Uni-box.

For successful flashing I charged the battery fully, using a spare GX10. I then placed battery in phone, connected leads to PC, opened flasher program.I used GX10-13 flasher not GX10 N as I was flashing a GX10E.Next was to load the flash file GX10i.mot and click flash.Keep power button pressed in until you see Flash loader 1.07 on screen of your phone(main LCD) and let go of the power button.The display of the GX10 will now go to Erase Program mode with a series of ####### along the top.Once its erased the flash all the # will disappear, then will force the phone into Write mode.The program on your PC will say Writing Program or similar, with your mobile saying Writing...

The progress bar will slowly increase until its maximum.Once there do not disconnect your phone.Your LCD will say COMPLETE! but do not remove the leads or press power button until your flasher program confirms it has finished calculating the checksum! Once it has done this, your mobile will power off automatically. Its then safe to remove your leads, I removed the battery for 10 seconds just to be sure it was totally off!
Put battery back on then press Power on button for 5-10 seconds.Your phone will be a little slower to start, and your language will be in spanish.Do not worry, connect your phone back up to your lead, then use Vilani 3.1 for unlocking.Press connect, which should now say your phone is a GX10i.Select Liberar GX10N then click applicar or apply.Your phone will start to unlock.I reset the security code afterwards, which changes it back to 0000.

Once complete and OK! disconnect your phone, put in a non Voda sim, power up and the phone should be on, but in spanish.Press M button, using UP/DOWN arrows select settings, then find Language, its easy enough to spot. Choose automatic then all is done!


This is a document of my experience which I have shared with you.If followed closely, you will not go wrong. This was done using a DEAD GX10 E so might be different if using another version of this phone.
I am using Windows XP, using COM1 on default settings.


14-03-2004, 02:23 AM
wow. pretty cool tut.

i didnt understand what soft u used to flash.

and what flash u used?

and any flash reader avaiable?