View Full Version : 3330 no network ???

04-11-2002, 01:32 AM
Hello! I need hints for my 3330. It cant get network after flashing ?? I have tryed everything ! ! The phone get network for 10 sekunds and then i go away.
Anyone who know whats wrong??

04-11-2002, 06:21 AM
What flash you flash to your phone? a modified flash with modified ringtone etc?

If so, then your flash file ppm checksum might not correct, download PPMManager (http://nokiafree.org/forums/download.php?file=PPMManager091.zip&phone=Nokia/) to correct your ppm checksum and flash it again into your phone.

If you just upgrade your phone with original or unmodified flash file, then did you already update your phone FAID?

every flashing to your phone, you need to using Nokia Tools by Rolis v1.8 (http://nokiafree.org/forums/download.php?file=Nokiatool18.zip&phone=Nokia/) to update your phone FAID. If you full flash your phone, you also need to follow below step when you see simcard not accpet.

1. Change Imei.
2. Update Faid.
3. Sp unlock.

Any step or info you not sure or not understand, try above and asking question again.

05-11-2002, 06:42 PM
I folowed you steps end tips and it did not work. :mad:
Anyone who have a Full flash for 3330 (200000 - 600000). I donīt know if my file is OK.

05-11-2002, 07:38 PM
U can download a fullflash file v4.50 here (http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/nokiaflash/files/Flash_Files/3330/3330_v4.50_FULLFLASH_packD_UnLoCk.zip). PPM is original and contain a language pack D (German+T9, English+T9, Turkish+T9, Hungary, Russia, Croatian, French+T9, Romanian, Serbian, Slovenia).

It's a YAHOO group... U need to register here (http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/nokiaflash/join).

Good Luck... :)

06-11-2002, 04:06 PM
Tankyou for all help.


06-11-2002, 09:44 PM
Need 3410 full flash?