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Thread: A35 wrong software after unlocking

  1. #1

    A35 wrong software after unlocking

    Please can anyone help me. I have unlocked A35 with All Siemans V3.0 and now phone displays 'wrong software'. I have attached the log file from the phone, i will be very greatfull if some body can calculate it for me. Also which software should I use to up load the map.
    Many thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    I have sorted it out my self

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    kaduna, nigeria


    how did you do it have same problem hope you don't mind? thanks

  4. #4

    Unzip attached file which consist of logger V4.03 and Map Creater files

    1. Use logger version 4.03 , Click on logger ,select phone model and read the phone and save the log file to disk.
    2. Cose logger programme
    3. Open the log file just created with any text editor and note the phone ID and IMEI
    4. Run A3X#Part2.exe form Map-Creator-Axx_SL45 directory
    5. Type phone ID and IMEI manually (i could'nt get the programme to read it automaticaly, kept coming up with error reading log file).
    6. Click on add data button
    7. You will see Save map button light up, click on Save map button and save the file to disk
    8. Close programe
    9. Run logger Versin 4.03 agin and click on Write IMEI
    10. Click on Open Map and point it to saved map file
    11. You will see Phone ID and IMEI fileds filled with data
    12. Click on Write IMEI and power on the phone when asked.
    Thats all
    Good luck


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