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Thread: REQ: MW3026 pin-outs or cable diagram

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Poland -but no polar bears in my area;)

    REQ: MW3026 pin-outs or cable diagram

    Hello all - this is my first post on this forum.
    I need the pin-out description for MW3026 model.
    Or somebody can tell me where I can find a cable diagram?
    All help would be appreciated.
    Ths and rgds,

  2. #2


    Model of mw3026 you can unlock by keybouard entering in test mode!
    But If you need it is:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Poland -but no polar bears in my area;)
    Thank you very much for the image!
    I know there is a way to unlock this phone by K/B - have noticed the posts, but there is not too much details on the subject. I don't even know how to enter the test mode.
    Pehaps you can tell me step-by-step the correct way?
    TIA and rgds,

  4. #4

    first step!

    Write here IMEI!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Poland -but no polar bears in my area;)
    It is very kind of you to help me. Unfortunatly, I don't have this phone with me now. I will bring it tomorrow.
    Perhaps there is any S/W I can get and do it myself at home?
    Anyway, if you don't reply, I'll contact you tomorrow.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Poland -but no polar bears in my area;)
    Hi there,
    After reading few posts I have managed to find the test mode code using 2k2 logger, and got such details:
    IMEI 35074735241265-6

    INDEX 0 - 083A05473725146265
    INDEX 191 - D16E0736
    INDEX 251 - D16E0736
    VER DJ3,5E

    I got stuck in calculating the phone ID with calc 4,2,2. What the heck is the crypted/uncrypted field? What should be the hash table?
    Is there any other software I can find usefull for unlocking this phone?
    TIA for your help.

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