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Thread: nokia phone which can't change imei by software

  1. #1

    nokia phone which can't change imei by software

    6. 6100
    7. 6610
    8. 6650
    9. 6800
    10. 7210
    11. 7250
    12. 7650
    13. 6220
    14. 8910
    15. 8910i
    16. 8310
    17. 6510
    theorically, all DCT4 nokia mobile phone can't change imei by data cable and software. u only can change imei unless u change the UEM.

    please correct me if wrong

  2. #2
    18. 6310
    19. 6310i


  3. #3
    ya, sorry for left out them, coz they not sell in my country.

    20. n-gage
    21. 7250i(coming soon)

    so to nfree member please dun post anything like "change imei for my 7650...."

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