Tag Archives: Awaiting Lumia Black? Nokia China update from this week

Lumia 1520 ‘Screen Sensitivity’ Bug Fixed by ‘Extra Supplies + Info’ Update

We’ve noted previously that regardless of the Lumia 1520 being our favorite Lumias up to now, like everything in the realm of technology it had a couple of nits that bothered us.

Certainly one of individuals was the frequently reported ‘screen sensitivity’ complaint, where scrolling using the display would frequently create a tap. Think about scrolling using your emails and rather than scrolling lower, you open a note up unintendedly. Another example could be on 6tag, the double-tap to love feature from the application could be triggered when just swiping through photos.

We’re obtaining a couple of reviews that today’s Extra supplies + Info update has basically fixed this issue. On the Lumia 1520, we must admit it does appear to become better. Others, however, aren't so convinced.

Nokia did react to user complaints in their help forum, observing that the over-the-air software update was because of fix the problem in The month of january:

“Hi, We're focusing on it. Problem is going to be fixed using the new SW release available within the air throughout The month of january 3rd or fourth week. Sorry for that inconvenience...”

Software updates imply such things as Extra supplies + Info rather than more drastic firmware changes, which may require company approval. Could today’s update happen to be the main one? We’re trying to discover, however with CES overall also it being late on the Friday, we’ll need to wait to verify.

Perhaps you have observed a noticable difference in your Lumia 1520? Seem off in comments.

Via: WPCentral Forums Thanks, Asham S., for that tip

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Got Your Lumia Black Update? Get Nokia Storyteller and Beamer from the Store

Nokia StoryTeller Beamer Lead

Nokia is presently pushing out the highly anticipated Lumia Black update to Lumia 1020 and Lumia 925 proprietors in multiple marketplaces (we are receiving tips left, right and center from everyone – other Lumia Windows Phones follows). But have you also realize that once up-to-date you'll have the ability to take full benefit of both Nokia Beamer and StoryTeller?

Both of these applications were formerly only accessible around the Lumia 1520, which runs Nokia's Black update. Rocking Lumia Black in your Lumia 925 or 1020? Mind on beyond the break for additional particulars, QR codes and download links of these two great applications.

Nokia StoryTeller

Nokia StoryTeller

It is really an interesting application, particularly if you are keen on capturing (with a Lumia Home windows Phone, thinking about be?). What StoryTeller by Nokia does could it be takes all of your photos and instantly arrangers them, making use of HERE services for data to categorise said images into art galleries. In addition is for numerous shots in one sitting, the application will endeavour to choose the very best ones for you personally.

Quite a neat feature in StoryTeller may be the HERE Maps integration. Further growing on which we discussed above, when viewing photos you are in a position to zoom to be met by having an overlay showing where all of your shots where taken. You are able to move about the map, choose art galleries you want to look at and you will be given best wishes photos, taking individuals special moments.

Download Nokia StoryTeller in the Nokia Collection around the Home windows Phone Store free of charge.

QR: Nokia StoryTeller

Nokia Beamer

Nokia Beamer

​There are usually no complaints if this involves Nokia's assortment of Home windows Phone applications. The organization has some absurd functionality covered and Nokia Beamer does not dissatisfy. Using the application installed, you'll have the ability to not just share images with bigger screens, but additionally discussing your screen as being a mirror.

If you are keen on PhotoBeamer, you will need to install Nokia Beamer. The application mirrors what's shown on your phone with another device, shared via QR codes, links and much more. We highly recommend you look at this, it's seriously awesome. 

Fetch Nokia Beamer in the Nokia Collection around the Home windows Phone Store free of charge.

QR: Beamer

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