Top Nokia Asha Games

The 2nd instalment within our games run-lower from the century (geddit?) provides you with another 25 top Asha game titles for the downloadable delectation The very best games for... Read more [...]

The High-end Nokia Android You’ve Been Waiting for may Actually Launch Soon

The Nokia Android dream is slowly coming to fruition, with the Nokia Normandy (Nokia X) expected to be unveiled at MWC 2014. But that’s not going to be the only Android phone coming from Nokia, or at least whatever will be left of the company once Microsoft grabs its mobile division. A new report from Chinese publication Tech.qq says that multiple Nokia Android devices across a variety of price points are in the making and may be unveiled later this summer. However, specific details about them aren’t available at this time.

Unnamed sources from Artesyn Technologies who are apparently aware of Nokia’s plans said that more Nokia Android handsets may hit stores in May or June, with the Nokia X expected to cost 1500 Yuan (or around $247). The other unknown handsets are reportedly out of beta and may soon receive FCC certification, as work on these devices started well before it was known Microsoft wanted to buy Nokia.

While Nokia may indeed be interested in creating more expensive Android handsets as well, it’s not clear how a high-end Nokia Android devices would look like and whether they’ll be able to compensate the lack of certain Android features that make the OS popular, including access to Google Apps such as the Google Play Store.

The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday reported that while a Nokia Android handset is coming at MWC, the phone will run a forked Android OS that won’t have access to Google Apps. Nokia will reportedly replace Google’s Apps with similar solutions of its own including the Here map service, a Nokia app store and MixRadio music. Nokia’s focus with Android phones will still be emerging markets, were such devices may become popular with consumers, especially considering the company’s former position in the handset business in those markets.

Furthermore, Phone Arena points out that Microsoft will get several technologies that can be found on high-end Windows Phone devices made by Nokia including the PureView camera, the HAAC microphone or the ClearBlack displays following the purchase.

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10 Top Giant-Screen Games for Nokia Lumia 1320 and 1520

The Nokia Lumia 1320 and Nokia Lumia 1520 have one factor in keeping both of them pack six-inch shows &#8211 well suited for pinning more tiles... Read more [...]

Nokia Android Clad in Windows Phone Clothing – Coming Soon!

lumia-520-front-tiles-clubpenguinRumours that primary Home windows Phone OEM Nokia continues to be two-timing Microsoft by continuing to keep an Android phone project on its backburner happen to be doing the models for some time now. However the WSJ has expected more fuel about this fire, stating sources saying Nokia will unveil an Android-powered device later this month. Read more [...]

Nokia Android, Gates AMA, XP Help, Netflix Cards – Tech News Digest

By Dave Parrack on 11th February, 2014 | Google Android, Social Media, Tech News, Windows |  No Comments

Today in Tech News Digest, Nokia looks set to reveal an Android handset, Microsoft really wants Windows XP to die, Bill Gates reveals all in a Reddit AMA, Mark Zuckerberg is a surprisingly generous philanthropist, becomes Twitch Interactive, Bing has the Oscars covered, and Netflix is good at promotions.

Nokia Goes Android

There have been rumors for a long time that Nokia is developing a handset based on the Android operating system, and according to the Wall Street Journal, those rumors are true. The usual “people familiar with the matter” have stated that Nokia will unveil its Android phone at Mobile World Congress, a trade show kicking off on Feb. 24.

This news wouldn’t be all that interesting were it not for the fact that Microsoft has acquired Nokia, paying $7.4 billion for the Finnish company’s handset business. The deal hasn’t quite gone through, leaving Nokia clear to forge ahead with its Android line. The question is what will Microsoft do once Nokia is in its hands? Because selling an Android handset isn’t exactly going to help the cause of Windows Phone.

Microsoft Begs XP Holdouts

Microsoft is ramping up its efforts to move people off Windows XP and onto a more up-to-date version of Windows before the company ends support for the aging OS on April 8, 2014. The latest call to arms is aimed at friends and family of those people sticking with XP. The tone of the blog post suggests Microsoft thinks only old people and idiots still use XP, but a recent We Ask You discussion clearly showed this isn’t the case.

Bill Gates Reveals All

Bill Gates took part in a lengthy Reddit AMA (that could count as one of the best AMAs of all time), revealing several nuggets of interesting information. Subjects discussed include new Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Gates’ new role consisting of picking “ambitious scenarios,” and whether he can still leap over a chair in a single bound (spoiler alert: he can’t). Gates even threw in a couple of videos, including the one embedded above. The full AMA is well worth a read.

Mark Zuckerberg Is A Big Donor

A lot of things are said about Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, many of them not exactly pleasant. But Zuckerberg clearly deserves some credit, as he has been named the most generous philanthropist in the United States for 2013. Zuckerberg gave an incredible $992.2 million to the ‘Silicon Valley Community Foundation’, though all of it came in the form of Facebook stock (18 million shares). Regardless, that’s still a lot of money. Becomes Twitch Interactive has changed its name to Twitch Interactive, proving just how popular its video games-focused streaming service has become. will remain as the name of the non-gaming livestreaming service, but the growth of has persuaded its parent company to adopt the moniker. That growth means 1 million broadcasters now stream themselves playing games every month. And with the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One both including functionality, the growth looks set to continue.

Bing Bags All The Oscars

bing oscars screenshot Nokia Android, XP Help, Gates AMA, Netflix Cards [Tech News Digest]

Bing has partnered with The Hollywood Reporter to bring its users all they need to know about the 2014 Academy Awards. The ‘Oscars Resource Guide’ is hosted at THR and powered by Bing. All of the nominees across the various categories are included, with reviews, bios, photos, and trailers included for film buffs to drool over. The 86th Academy Awards is due to take place on March 2.

Netflix Launches House Of Cards Against Humanity

And finally, Netflix has shown it’s rather clever at promoting itself, with an effort to create buzz around the second series of ‘House Of Cards’ achieving that goal. The very simple but effective gimmick was to release a ‘Cards Against Humanity’ expansion pack based on the show, and called, rather obviously, ‘House Of Cards Against Humanity‘. The free printed sets have all already gone, but interested parties can print out their own copies instead.

Tech News Digest… Breaking News Into Bite-Sized Chunks.

Image Credit: Martin Abegglen

Check out more about: android, microsoft, microsoft bing, windows xp

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Realistic Thoughts on Nokia’s Android Plans

Chris Davies

It's not hard to get looking forward to the thought of Nokia implementing Android. Since the organization first introduced intends to change from Symbian to Home windows Phone at the begining of 2011, many have asked the knowledge of tossing along with Microsoft and it is distant-third-place platform instead of Google's OS. Without fail, with every new Lumia - may it be the 41-megapixel 1020 or even the phablet-scale 1520 - there is a small but vocal crowd who'll say "I'd purchase it, whether it went Android." Now, having a Nokia-badged Android device thought to become imminent, it's not hard to get looking forward to the business's near-legendary quality and also the versatility from the common software, but let us not succeed of ourselves.

I have been responsible for wanting for any "Nokia + Android" love-in myself. Actually, I'm able to recall telling Nokia's engineers back in the launch of the E7 at the end of 2010 just how much I wanted it had been Android (in those days at v2.2 Froyo) instead of Symbian which was running around the superbly-built aluminum Texting phone. Basically remember appropriately, they nearly handled to prevent moving their eyes at me.

Home windows Phone would be a huge improvement over Symbian, certainly, however that has not stopped the Android longing from tickling the rear of my thoughts as I have examined Lumia products in the last couple of years. It's not hard to view it as getting guaranteed is the silver bullet to Nokia's worries: forget about awaiting Microsoft to the court Home windows Phone designers and fill industry no requirement for Nokia to construct its very own applications to patch within the gaps in functionality.


With Microsoft's purchase of Nokia around the corner completion, you can reason that the OS gamble compensated off: if, that's, the thing is Lumia development being introduced underneath the same umbrella as Home windows Phone like a positive thing. What that leaves, though, is an extremely different segment that could be specific using its Android plans.

Remember Asha? Nokia surprised us using the Asha 501 in May of this past year, a financial budget touch screen phone that guaranteed a lot of the functionality of the smartphone while walking from the spec-treadmill. Nokia's wager was there will be a market - along with a large one - interested in the look connected with Lumia and also the versatility of the touch screen, but reluctant (or not able) to pay for a Home windows Phone.

Microsoft will require Asha too if this grabs Nokia's Wise Products devision, and it is expected is the alternative to current Asha products which should be the beneficiary of the new adopting of Android. Based on the newest chatter, Nokia will go ahead and take open-source areas of Google's software although not google's applications themselves, replacing such things as HERE Maps for Google Maps, and blend Radio for Google Play All Access.

Asha's existing core of the reworked S40 is going to be junked, so we are told, for any heavily-reskinned Android. The resulting OS could even look exactly the same as to the we have seen on newer Asha products, like the 503, pared to focus on low-cost, low-energy chipsets combined with minimal memory but still focusing on a financial budget cost.


The upside to Nokia is the fact that effective designers to port over applications for budget products like Asha will probably be a great deal simpler, since it has the whole Android cohort to focus on. Additionally, it regrettably implies that our hopes for a Lumia 1020 run by KitKat will not become a reality.

There is evidence that the marketplace for low-cost Nokia products is available the ongoing success from the Lumia 520/525 is an indication of that. Despite the fact that the unit known variously as "Normandy" and "Nokia X" is not likely to challenge the Universe S5 or even the LG G Professional 2 expected within the coming days, it may be enough to provide companies some sleep deprived nights in the still-blooming low-finish. Not for free has HTC conceded it dropped the ball by disregarding basic level customers ironically it might be Nokia, not Samsung, Huawei, or ZTE, that sweeps along with Android to take advantage of that omission.

Initially, then, you can argue there's little in Nokia's Android plans for individuals people teasing in the cutting-fringe of mobile phones to obtain looking forward to. Nevertheless, as we have found - to some extent of surprise, maybe - when we have stayed with Asha mobile phone models previously, there is lots to become stated for any small, affordable, lengthy-lasting, flexible little touch screen semi-smartphone. Our residual doubts were around applications, but when Nokia can deal with by using its undercover OS switch-flop, we might have to reconsider before presuming Microsoft will junk Asha beyond control.

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Nokia Lumia Icon: Visit to Verizon, America

Today, Nokia is announcing the Nokia Lumia Icon: a higher-finish Home windows Phone available solely for Verizon Wireless Carrier within the U . s . States. Nokia’s latest Lumia is... Read more [...]
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